Parish Council Documents

Click on the icons below to download a pdf copy of the Parish Council's Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Code of Conduct and other policies and papers.

Standing Orders

The Parish Council adopted new Standing Orders on 2nd February 2022.  They are based on model standing orders produced by the National Association of Local Councils.

Batcombe Parish Council Standing Orders
Batcombe PC Standing Orders 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [258.1 KB]

Financial Regulations

The Parish Council adopted new Financial Regulations on 5th June 2024, based on a model produced by the National Association of Local Councils.  The Council's Financial Regulations are reviewed annually.

Batcombe Parish Council Financial Regulations
Batcombe Parish Council Financial Regula[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [248.8 KB]

Complaints Procedure

This Code of Practice for Handling Complaints was adopted by the Council on 3rd
September 2003, and last amended on 6th July 2011.

Batcombe Parish Council Complaints Procedure
Batcombe Parish Council Complaints Proce[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [327.9 KB]

Code of Conduct

The Parish Council's Code of Conduct was adopted on 1st February 2023 replacing the previous Code of Conduct adopted on 5th September 2012.  The new Code of Conduct was produced by the Local Government Association with the intention that the same Code of Conduct should be used at all levels of local government and has been adapted by the Somerset Association of Local Councils for adoption by parish councils in Somerset.  The Localism Acts requires that Parish Councillors' Register of Interest Declaration forms are published on the Parish Council's website as well as the District Council's website.  These can be found on the Declarations of Interests page.


Batcombe Parish Council Code of Conduct
Model Councillor Code of Conduct for Som[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [473.6 KB]

Freedom of Information

The Model Publication Scheme prepared by the Information Commissioner was adopted by Batcombe Parish Council in 2008.  The Guide to Information Available from the Parish Council was updated in December 2012 to take into account the fact that the Council now has a website on which to publish the information it is required to provide.  The Guide will be updated further as more information is published on the website.

Model Publication Scheme
Freedom of Information - Model Publicati[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [72.4 KB]
Guide to Information Available from Batcombe Parish Council
Guide to Information Available (December[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [184.8 KB]

Media Policy

The Parish Council adopted this policy for dealing with the press and media on 7th September 2011.  It is based on a model produced by the Somerset Association of Local Councils, and was last reviewed on 12th July 2023.

Batcombe Parish Council Media Policy
Batcombe Parish Council Media Policy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [93.9 KB]

Social Media Policy

The Parish Council adopted this policy to help the Clerk and Councillors make appropriate decisions about the use of social media on 2nd December 2015.  It is based on a model produced by the Somerset Association of Local Councils.  The Policy was last updated on July 2022 and last reviewed on 12th July 2023.

Batcombe Parish Council Social Media Policy
Social Media Policy 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [139.1 KB]

Privacy Notice

Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) now in force, the Parish Council is required to provide a Privacy Notice explaining the rights of those whose personal information is processed by the Parish Council.

Batcombe Parish Council - Privacy Notice
Privacy Notice - Website.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [123.6 KB]