Useful Links to Local Government and Other Organisations

Click on the links below to open the websites of the organisations listed in a separate window.


The home page of the Somerset Council's website

with links to details of the Council services.

Tel: 0300 123 2224


Our Somerset Councillors are Claire Sully and Rob Reed 


Somerset Highways

Road defects such as potholes can be reported on 0300 123 2224 

or on the Somerset Council website

Report a problem on the road (

The website for central government services.


Our Member of Parliament is Sarah Dyke MP.

The home page of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary website.


Batcombe is part of the Frome Rural South area.  Click on the link below to go to the Frome Rural South page on the Avon and Somerset website with details of the neighbourhood team of local police officers and our PCSO Louise Perry. 

The neighbourhood team can be contacted

via the Avon & Somerset website or by calling 101.


 The Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner is Clare Moody.

The website for Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution.  For information on a power cut call 0800 072 7282.

Priority Services Register

Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution have a Priority Services Register for anyone who needs electricity for home medical equipment, or who is disabled, has a young baby or receives a state pension.  Those on the Register are promised support during a power cut.  To register call 0800 294 3259 from a landline or 0345 072 1900 from a mobile or see the webpage for more details of the Register:

Mendip Community Transport

Mendip Community Transport is a not for profit transport provider operating accessible vehicles for disadvantaged groups and individuals in the Mendip area.  This includes the Mendip Slinky Service - a door to door service for those with no access to local bus routes or their own car.  To register for the service download a form from the Mendip Slinky webpage or ring 880482.